Parkstone Baptist Church

Church services

Parkstone Baptist Church gathers together each Sunday morning from 10.30am.
We usually meet for about 75 minutes. Most folk stay on for a while longer since we enjoy each other's company, usually with a drink of tea, coffee or water in hand.
Folk tend to start arriving from around 10.15, to greet each other and have a chat together before we begin at 10.30.   

What's coming up on Sundays? (Scroll down a bit if you want to jump ahead)

What happens when we gather on Sunday?
We take time to pray at several points during our time together.
These prayers tend to form the 'rhythm' for our gatherings.

We read part of the Bible together and help one another to better understand, learn from and respond to what we've read.  Sometimes this will be through a talk or sermon. Sometimes it will be more like a discussion or study. More often than not it will be a mix of both approaches, so that we take time to learn from one another. It's not unusual for folk to pose a question when there is something they want to ask.

Our Sunday morning gatherings usually provide opportunities to share things that we have noticed recently as we trust in Jesus. We recognise that this is a way we can find common expression in our life of faith. We draw encouragement from one another as we share the life of faith together.  

We also like to sing together, drawing from a mix of songs and hymns written and composed across a wide span of time. We tend to keep things fairly simple when we sing. Choices and style are informed by what and why we are singing, more than how it might sound. Sometimes we simply read the words of the song together, as a prayer-poem. 

We usually try to make our time together as multi-voiced as possible. 
Silence is something we try not to worry about. There is never a requirement to say something, but we find we are blessed and encouraged by one another as we do!

Why do we gather together like this?
Now that is a good question! It's our way of putting into practice some of what we read in these sentences from a letter written to one of the earliest churches...

Christ's message in all its richness must live in your hearts. Teach and instruct one another with all wisdom. Sing psalms, hymns, and sacred songs; sing to God with thanksgiving in your hearts. 
(Letter to the Colossians 3:16)

What's coming up on Sundays?
All 10.30am at Loch Road unless stated otherwise

Sunday 18th August - ExtraOrdinary - the story of a girl with no name
from 2 Kings 5:1-19

Sunday 25th August - ExtraOrdinary - the story of the manager and the migrant 
from Ruth 2:1-16

During September we have some significant decision-making to engage with as a church, so you will see there are a couple of Sundays where we will be taking time for Church Meetings.

Sunday 1st September - Reflection and Church Meeting

Sunday 8th September - service led by John Good

Sunday 15th September - service led by Ben Lucas

Sunday 22nd September - Reflection and Special Church Meeting

Sunday 29th September - Shared service with Longfleet Baptist Church
"Macedonia in Uproar" from Acts 17 & 18. PLEASE NOTE DIFFERENT TIME & VENUE...
11.00am hosted by 
Longfleet Baptist Church, 138 Wimborne Road, Poole. 
BH15 2EQ